The Meridian Tooth Chart: Connecting Your Oral and Overall Health

June 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drthomas @ 8:00 am
Colorful illustration of meridians in the human body

It is well-established that oral health and overall health are strongly connected. Very often, gum disease is used as an example to show that what happens in the mouth can have a profound effect on the rest of the body. But did you know that the mouth-body connection is even more intricate? Many holistic dentists rely on the Meridian Tooth Chart to understand how the health of the teeth can affect various bodily systems. This blog post explains what that chart is and the basics of how it works.

What Are Meridians?

To understand the Meridian Tooth Chart, you should first grasp the meaning of the word “meridian.” Basically, meridians are invisible paths of energy that flow through the body. The idea of meridians is thousands of years old; it traces back to the ancient Chinese concept of Qi, which is the foundation upon which modern acupuncture was built.

That might sound a bit strange or mystical, but the idea of invisible bodily energy is actually scientifically sound. After all, the human body relies on bioelectrical energy to function; modern medicine has machines that can track that energy. One study conducted by Seoul National University even confirmed the existence of meridians, calling the network the “primo-vascular system.”

Indeed, the complex interconnectivity of the human body is undeniable, and every part of the body may be affected by meridians, including the teeth.

The Meridian Tooth Chart

The Meridian Tooth Chart shows how each of the teeth in the mouth is connected to other parts of the body. You can follow this link to find an interactive version of the chart on our website. As you explore it, you will find fascinating information about how the wellness of your teeth can affect your systemic health.

Dr. Thomas keeps the chart in mind as she provides advice and treatment to patients. It is part of the reason why she strives to be conservative in her approach to care and why she uses biocompatible materials to restore teeth. For example, instead of using amalgam fillings, which may block meridians, she repairs cavities with non-metal materials. She also strives to be quick to treat infections so they have minimal impact on the rest of the body, including its meridians.

The Meridian Tooth Chart can be a valuable aid for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of how the various parts of the human body work harmoniously together! It is certainly worth taking a look at!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Preetha Thomas is an experienced dentist who believes firmly that oral health and overall health are strongly linked. She combines holistic principles, such as the Meridian Tooth Chart, with modern techniques and technology to provide effective, comprehensive care for patients. To learn more about her and her approach to dentistry, contact our Southlake office at 817-912-1218.

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