Zirconia Dental Implants: Biocompatible Tooth Replacement
December 22, 2021

Dental implants are often pointed to as the best way to replace missing teeth. Certainly, they offer a long list of potential benefits. However, some patients express concern because dental implants are usually made out of titanium. While titanium is fairly low risk, many people qualify for an even more biocompatible alternative: zirconia. Let’s talk about why zirconia makes for the most holistic dental implants in Southlake.
What Are Zirconia Dental Implants?
Dental implants are prosthetic tooth roots that get placed into the jawbone. Over time, they fuse with the surrounding tissue so they can provide a sturdy base of support for the artificial teeth that go on top of them.
Zirconia is a type of ceramic that is white in color. It is stronger than the porcelain that is often used for dental crowns, so it is better able to stand up to all the pressure and force that dental implants are typically exposed to. They also feature one-piece construction in most cases, while titanium implants usually feature at least two pieces (the implant itself and an abutment that keeps the crown, bridge, or denture in place).
The Benefits of Zirconia Dental Implants
Whether titanium or zirconia implants are right for you depends on your unique circumstances. Dr. Thomas, as well as the oral surgeon who places your implants, will be able to answer your questions about your treatment options. In the meantime, we can give you an overview of some of the top benefits of zirconia implants:
No Galvanic Toxicity
Galvanic toxicity occurs when different metals in the mouth interact in a way that produces electric currents. In turn, those currents can adversely affect a person’s nervous system and other bodily functions. This problem can occur with titanium implants, especially if you have other restorations in your mouth. Zirconia implants are non-metal, which means they present a much lower risk.
Less Inflammation
Bacteria can cling to titanium implants, causing inflammation in the gums. Even worse, bacteria can collect in the tiny space between an implant and its abutment, further contributing to problems. Bacteria and plaque do not stick to zirconia as readily, and the one-piece construction of zirconia implants means there is no space for bacteria to sneak into.
In ideal circumstances, titanium implants are completely concealed by the gums and their restorations. In some cases, though, the dark color of titanium implants is visible through the gum tissue. Because zirconia implants are white, they are more aesthetically pleasing.
Titanium dental implants aren’t necessarily bad, but they do fall short of their zirconia counterparts in some ways. Exploring all of your treatment options can help you to make a well-informed decision about how to replace your lost teeth.
Meet Dr. Thomas
Dr. Preetha Thomas focuses on providing holistic dentistry in Southlake. She has many years of experience and partners with local specialists to provide start to finish dental implant care. To learn more about her and how she may be able to serve you, contact our office at 817-912-1218.
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