4 Reasons to Stay Hydrated for a Healthy Smile

June 24, 2020

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Woman drinking a glass of water at holistic dentist in Southlake.Water is essential to your survival because every cell, tissue, and organ in your body relies on it to function correctly. Unfortunately, 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. If you’re among those who aren’t drinking enough water, you’re not just putting your health at risk. You are also increasing the likeliness of receiving bad news next time you visit your holistic dentist in Southlake. Here are 4 reasons you need to stay hydrated to improve your dental health.

1. Reduce harmful bacteria.

Drinking a glass of water helps keep your mouth clean in between brushing and flossing. It washes away harmful bacteria that can linger on your teeth. By keeping bad bacteria at bay, you’ll reduce your risk of several oral-related issues, like gum disease and tooth decay. Although water isn’t a substitute for brushing and flossing, rinsing your mouth after every meal is a simple way to keep your smile healthy.

2. Combat bad breath.

Bad breath can be caused by the foods you eat; however, if the problem is ongoing, it often results from an accumulation of bacteria in your mouth. Also known as halitosis, chronic bad breath can be a source of embarrassment, but changes to your oral hygiene can combat the smell. Besides brushing and flossing, water can also help remove odor-causing bacteria lingering in hard to reach places, like the grooves of your tongue.

3. Nurture stronger teeth.

Fluoride is often referred to as “nature’s cavity fighter” because it keeps your enamel strong to make it more resistant to cavities. In some cases, it can even reverse early stages of decay. In 1945, the U.S. began incorporating fluoride into public water sources to fight cavities. You can give your smile extra protection against decay by choosing tap water over sodas and juices.

4. Enjoy a moist mouth.

You probably don’t think about your saliva very often, but it’s essential to a healthy smile. It keeps your mouth moist to reduce bacteria. Unfortunately, age, genetics, and certain medications or medical conditions can lead to dry mouth. The decrease in saliva production creates the perfect breeding ground for harmful bacteria. You can keep your mouth moist and your smile healthy by drinking more water.

Drink Water for a Healthy Smile

You’ve probably heard you should drink 6 to 8, 8-ounce glasses of water each day; however, everyone’s needs are different. While that amount is a reasonable goal, you might require more depending on your physical fitness level and your diet. If you’re unsure whether you’re drinking enough water, it’s best to check the color of your urine. If it’s a dark yellow or amber color, you need to drink more water. You can invest in a healthy mouth and body by staying hydrated.

About Dr. Preetha Thomas

Dr. Preetha Thomas earned her DMD degree from the Advanced Standing Program at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She understands the mouth and body connection to deliver solutions catering to your overall well-being. If you need a new dentist in Southlake, choose the trusted choice for holistic care. Contact our office today for an appointment.

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